Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Photographying figures interaction with the chair I have customised.

Customising existing chairs

Here i have begun to experiment with the placement of the chair i previously customised, experimenting with its presentation in order to maximise the abstraction from the original chair form. I think the chair becomes much more interesting when taken away from the floor.

This photo shows the formal link i am beginning to make between the photographs i am making of figures seated in chairs and the sculptures i am creating. This shows the idea of a figure being able to show the form of the chair without physically showing the chair.

Continuing to draw and document chairs.

These photos show my continuing experiments with chairs, drawing and spray painting around and through them. Making 3d wooden forms based on chairs and taking them around to different sites to investigate how they intrude within different spaces. I am also experimenting by making drawings using these sculptures, drawing around them.

Continuing to work

The following photos show my experimentation with chairs, photographing them as a find them on the streets and drawing round and through them. I have also started to photograph figures aswell, investigating into the idea of showing chairs by the position the figure is in.