Monday, 10 March 2008

Final outcome.

I have chosen two photos to document my work, one in complete darkness where the lights become like drawings in space and another showing the lights in relation to the architecture.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Final conclusion, using the verticals in the space alongside colour to outline the architecture of the space.

Altering the perspective of the space, using perspective in order to munipulate and disorientate the viewer.

Continuing to experiment with light installations.

I started to investigate further into light installations. Trying out formulas such as only highlighting the verticals within the space and then only the horizontals. I Then tried to see what it would be like to highlight both together but felt this was a little too much. I investigated the idea of changing the space through the idea of perspective by spacing the glow sticks in a certain way and using colour. I then combined this with the outlining of certain aspects of the architecture.
I finally came to the conclusion simply to use the verticles of the space and to change the perspective of the space rather than simply outlining the architecture.

Continuing to use colour.

Here i have reversed the theory i used earlier to create perspective. Before i used the brighter colours at the front in order to give the sense of space by the darker colours enhancing the distance of the space. However in this case i have brought the darker colours forward in an experiment to see whether or not this would flatten the image. I like the effect it gives as it draws the viewer through the space to the brighter colours in the distance.

Link to James Turrell's website.

I was influenced by his work because of his simple use of light combined with forms and architecture.

Monday, 25 February 2008

Using colour to define the space.

I have used colour here to highlight the space further and to make the drawing i have made using light within the space more three dimensional.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

I have decided to work on highlighting areas of the space with light,as i did before. I was at first thinking of combing this with mirrors to distort the space however i feel i am going to create simple forms within the space that highlight the beauty of the space simply and uncomplicated.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

non physical interventions- visually intruding into spaces.

I then started to investigate how i could intrude into the space visually rather than physically, disrupting how the viewer interacts with the space by disorienting them visually rather than physically. Using mirrors and reflection as a medium to do this i investigated firstly away from the space and then created some site specific work.

Continuing with the project, investigating into intruding onto the pathway of the corridor.

Here i developed hte work into another tangent, investigating how i could physically change how the people walking through the corridor interacted with the space. Making them question how they would now walk through the space.

Thursday, 31 January 2008

I then tried to photograph the mechanised toy, showing the space it was in aswell.

Continuing to use the mechanised toy to create light work.

I was pleased with the light work so far but wanted to take photos which gave a better sense of the space that the light was in, so experimented with different lighting in order to see the figure and the corridor space.

Continuing to experiment with the glow sticks showing movement of figures within space.

Developing the light work.

Developing the projection work, munipulating light.

Using light within the space

I then used a mechanised toy with lights within the space and experimented with photography with slow shutter speeds in order to capture the light in abstract ways.

Glow sticks used as paint.

I then looked at other ways of using glow sticks to make work, painting using the liquid from them.

Investigating how to visually show how people use the space.

I started to experiment with figures carrying and wearing glow sticks whilst walking through the corridor space. The results were quite abstracted but beautiful.

Using light to define space.

I then started to use the glow sticks to define the space and forms withing the room.

Continuing to work within the space.

Over the last few days i have been experimenting by using light to munipluate the space in other ways. I started to make forms using glow sticks representing the geometric forms within the space.