Tuesday, 15 May 2007

I have finished waxing the clothing that i want to wax, however i would like to try an idea in the future, where i stage a paint fight getting people to wear white clothes and then wax the painted clothing into sculptures. I now need to decide how best to display the pieces, whether to show just photographs or the pieces or both. I feel i definetly want to show the sculptures and feel that they are probably strong enough to be shown on their own and without mediation. So i have spent the last couple of days experimenting with different arangements of the pieces in different sites. I feel that although they are interesting outside the gallery i want to fit them into the gallery context and to show them all in one room. At first i tried a circular formation on the floor however this spoke of rituals and gave another meaning to my piece, which i felt convoluted the concept. I need to make sure the displaying of the pieces doesnt detract from what i am wanting to say about distorting the human form. I then decided to have more fun with them, not grouping them all together, having them all around the studio/gallery space using different means of displaying for different pieces. This worked much better and the pieces retain their unusual and fun aspects by this random quirky placement.

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