Thursday 11 October 2007

Skye trip

Was really excited about the Skye trip as it is somewhere i have always wanted to go. when we arrived i wasnt dissapointer, it is so beautiful and serine, i couldnt get over how quite and unspoilt is was. whilst we were sat on the mountainside drawing during the day we didnt see another person not belonging to our group. At first i felt so overwhelmed by the surroundings, so muhc so that i felt i couldnt pay it justice in my work, It took me a while to start working and i found i was much more considered in my drawing style, it was almost as though i didnt want to rush throungh and work in my usual quick expressive style in case i ruined the atmosphere. Once i did start however i started to get into landscape drawing, as i havent really done it before, i also started to think about drawing in a wider sense and started to make rubbings and use the materials around me such as stones, water and mud to make work. I started to use water to make marks using ink and dipping it in and to us sticks instead of paintbrushes to draw.
Steph and I also decided we would like to do a collaboration, so started to make a piece about a journey, winding string around poles in the sea. This piece was enjoyable to do and it was interesting to collaborate in such an environment as we shared our experinece of it together and portrayed this through the work.

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